
My ibanez...

Today i meet richard at aijuni... he is my cousin band guitarlist, he accompany me go buy my electric guitar! so i reach there at around 4, then after he reach, we walk to "sweelee" the guitar warehouse, then i choose very long, in the end i choose this guitar, this is a IBANEZ RG321MH, and i bought a Laney amp, an IBANEZ guitar tuner, an IBANEZ guitar strap and a guitar bag, everything cost me $757... then after that i took train home, then richard and his band go jamming, then i take train all the way back to jurong east, damn! the amp is like so fucking heavy... lolx, when i reach home.. i start to JAM! lolx
Tml is my Grandpa 49th day death, so me and my mum going to my grandparent house to stay over night, heard the priest say he will come back to visit us one last time b4 he go.. so that day we stay there over night, then in the noon, i meet my aunt at IMM then take cab to my grandparent house.... then around 11.00pm we all went to bed... blab blab blab * i skip this part....*
Today everyone of us went to the temple to chant for my grandpa.... the chant is like 3 hours.. then after that i meet pl, nigel , peishi, lixin and kelly at orchard,cos we going movie, then kelly left in a while, we watch the movie "the Jacket" nice show, i give the show 8/10 , only me and nigel like the show, the other 3 dun understand the movie, they are STUPID! hahahhaa, great story line.. creavtive story line!
After the movie we went to S11 behind center point, then we eat there, we only eat satay.. lolx, then we will like taking video with nigel video cam.. anyone wan the video can ask from me.. after that, we went to TCC for a drink.. we spend like 36buck for 5 person, then around 12am, we decide to go nigel house stay over... we took bus 7 to clementi, then we reach clementi at around 1am, then we took a cab to nigel house, we ask alot of uncle if he wan to drive 5 person.. but all dun know, then got one handsome taxi kor kor agree to drive us.. lolx then pl had to hide below the sit! lolx! then we reach le, then we start to rot at nigel house, then we talk about the pass, and stuff... then morning we all went home... all tired le...
ok lo, thats all for today
sign off